Harness the Power of Play!

With Purposeful Play, you will learn powerful play therapy techniques to help your child prepare for new life events and transitions, practice key skills, and process the natural ups and downs of life. 


Make play your parenting superpower!

Play is everything to a child.

It is how they explore and make sense of the world

It is how they practice new skills and try things out feelings & actions that they maybe can't in real life.

It is the medium with which they explore relationships and express BIG feelings

IT IS OUR RESPONSIBILITY to go to the child's level and communicate with them through the medium with which they are most comfortable:  PLAY!

That's exactly why I created

Purposeful Play

If you want to learn key therapy play techniques to

✔️ Develop your child's social skills & emotional health

✔️ Help them process big feelings & hard times

✔️ Connect on a deeper level with your child and make life a little easier

Purposeful Play is for you!


By the end of the course, you will learn:

The Healing Power of Play & Why YOU are Perfectly Suited to Hold that Space for Your Child

Key Therapeutic Play Techniques You Can Use Every Day with Your Child

Playful Ps: Prepare, Practice, & Process. Exactly what you need to support your child through the early years.

But what you'll really be getting in this course goes beyond videos, worksheets, and tools...

You will be supercharging your ability to hold space for your child and as a result you will come to know them on a deeper level and build a relationship that will carry you through all of the years ahead. This is your chance, right here, right now, to make the mindset shifts and learn the skills you need shift the trajectory of your relationship with your child.


Hey there!

Hi, I’m Dr. Laura Froyen and I am on a mission to help parents reclaim peace, joy, and connection. I help parents learn how to use play therapy techniques to reconnect with their children, hold a healing space for their kids, & learn how to set limits empathically. As a Mom of 2, I understand how important it is to feel like the calm, confident, compassionate leader of your home.

With a Doctorate in Human Development and Family Studies; specializing in Couple and Family Therapy (former Play Therapist here!), I know how to help you reconnect with your children and regain influence, cooperation, and harmony in your home.


Here's what you'll get in Purposeful Play:


Audio & Video Lessons

These trainings will teach you everything you need to know to hold fun, helpful play sessions with your child. You will learn actual play therapy techniques you can start using with your child right away!


Tools & Techniques

Each module has specific tools and techniques you can add to your toolbox that will support you in communicating with your child during transitions and new life events.


Laura in action!

Not only will you learn the theory and basics of these techniques, you will also have access to rich, real-life video that illustrate exactly how to use these tools in everyday situations.

Sneak a peek inside the course!

New modules open on Mondays starting February 15th

Lesson Topics: 

Lesson 1: The Healing Power of Play

Lesson 2: Key Skills for Big Feelings

Lesson 3: Introducing the Playful P's



⭐️  Your Play Prep Plan so that you are ready for your play sessions

⭐️   Demonstration videos so you can see what these skills look like in action (Including one with Laura's daughter!)

⭐️  A course structure that is totally BINGEABLE 

⭐️  Instant access to any future updates or bonuses

⭐️  Private Podcast: Learn this content on the go wherever you get your podcasts!

Look, here's the truth...

Parenting young kids is HARD. It's full on and there are aspects that are just. not. fun. But just because parts of it are hard does not mean we are condemned to misery, to drudgery, to the slog. We can CHOOSE to have fun as parents! 

You don't have to enjoy every part of your child's childhood, but you CAN enjoy some of it! I want to equip you with the tools you need to actually have FUN as a parent. And NOT because it's work, or another thing on your to to list, or another thing you SHOULD be doing, but because you love your kids and you want to show them that love and because YOU deserve to enjoy this time in your life, too! 

In this course, you will learn how to make warm, loving, and lasting memories that your child will CHERISH as they grow (and you will too). Because that's what it's all about, the RELATIONSHIP we have with our children. In this way, Purposeful Play gets to the very heart of conscious, respectful parenting, using play as the vehicle for the deep, authentic connection you are seeking.

Who is Purposeful Play for?

This program is for you if you are looking to support your child through ups and downs of life and know that PLAY can be a powerful tool to add to your parenting toolbox.

It's great for parents looking for a quick & engaging course that they can implement straight away.

You will be a good fit if:

  • You are excited by the idea that you may be able to use PLAY to radically change your parenting AND your relationship with your child.
  • You are struggling to comfort your child who is dealing with a new life event or transition.
  • You want to improve your communication with your child and suspect play may be just what you need.
  • You want to improve your play skills so that your child feels more heard, understood, & connected.
  • You are tired of feeling disconnected from your child & want to have more FUN as a parent
  • Your child is 7 & under and/or still loves to play with toys (and with you!)

Purposeful Play may NOT be right for you if:

  • You are looking to fix or change your child, this course is more about your skills.
  • You are looking to learn the basics of respectful parenting (My courses Respectful Parenting 101 & Playful Healing may be better fits).

  • Your child has mental health diagnoses and/or significant trauma that are not currently being treated by a therapist and/or medical/health team.

    *This program is NOT a substitute for therapy with a qualified mental health professional.*


Here is what's included:

3 Modules
Audio & Video Trainings
Play Prep Plan to help you feel confident going into play sessions
Demonstration videos on skills and techniques with a variety of toys and topics
BONUS 1: Private Podcast for easy learning on the go!
BONUS 2: Play Prep Plan

BONUS 3: The Power of Play Workshop: Learn to use play in connection/bonding AND cooperation/discipline


Instant Access!


Frequently Asked Questions

Click below to find answers to the questions I get most about Purposeful Play

This program is for you if you are looking to support your child through ups and downs of life and know that PLAY can be a powerful tool to add to your parenting toolbox.

It's great for parents looking for a quick & engaging course that they can implement straight away.

You will be a good fit if:

  • You are excited by the idea that you may be able to use PLAY to radically change your parenting AND your relationship with your child.

  • You are struggling to comfort your child who is dealing with a new life event or transition.

  • You want to improve your communication with your child and suspect play may be just what you need.

  • You want to improve your play skills so that your child feels more heard, understood, & connected.

  • You are tired of feeling disconnected from your child & want to have more FUN as a parent

  • Your child is 7 & under and/or still loves to play with toys (and with you!)

Purposeful Play may NOT be right for you if:

  • You are looking to fix or change your child, this course is more about your skills.

  • You are looking to learn the basics of respectful parenting (My courses Respectful Parenting 101 & Playful Healing may be better fits).

  • Your child has mental health diagnoses and/or significant trauma that are not currently being treated by a therapist and/or medical/health team.

    *This program is NOT a substitute for therapy with a qualified mental health professional.*


Nope! While the skills you learn in this course will ABSOLUTELY support you in parenting with more empathy & connection and may even improve cooperation, you won't be learning any skills related to discipline and limit setting. To dig deeper into those topics through the lens of play, see my course Playful Healing

It is never too early or too late to learn these skills, but the ideal range for these play sessions is 2-7.

  • If you have children younger than 2 you can join now & get really good at these skills to ease the transition to toddlerhood.
  • If your child is older and they still love to play with toys and with YOU, then we'd love to have you as well!
  • You of course know yourself and your child best!

NO. Let me say that again: NO. This course is meant to add tools to your toolbox but not replace family or play therapy with your child. 

Join Purposeful Play Today!

More fun & connection are waiting for you inside.
Are you ready?


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